First (online) SC meeting

The first SETS-SC meeting held on May 29, 2024, brought together our partners to discuss and advance various work packages (WPs) crucial to the project’s progress. Here are the key highlights from the meeting:

TIRESIA presented the almost finalised version of the Research Report, summarizing findings and insights gathered throughout their academic review, inputs from partners and focus groups validation

Participants brainstormed on integrating the research results from WP2 into the design of the training pilots in WP3. Key topics included:

  • Connecting Work Packages: Strategies to ensure a seamless transition between WPs.
  • Designing a Prototype Training: Identifying initial structures and dimensions for the training based on research findings.

Presentation & Discussion of the Impact Dashboard (WP6 – Open Impact & All)
Open Impact introduced the Impact Monitoring Dashboard, designed to track the project’s progress and outcomes. The dashboard features:

  • Specific outcomes linked to stakeholders and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Calculations of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) of the project.